This package includes advanced home automation, support for end customers so they can download the application, view the status of their establishment and set up customised promotions.

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What is advanced home automation for laundries?

domotica avanzada para lavanderias
  • Electronic board whose functions are to reset the machine remotely (from the phone) and to give the opportunity to program a free activation wash from the same phone.
  • 2 cameras 720p High quality HD
  • 8 LEDS Range 25 metres.
  • 4-channel DVR with home automation outputs.
  • Hard Disk Drive 1TB.
  • Magnetic sensor that sends instant video in case of door opening.

What does the Laundry Software offer?


  • Real-time cash display
  • Usage and cash history
  • Download reports
  • Analytics and statistics


  • Real-time machine status
  • Remote control of washing machines and dryers


  • Application available for PC and Mobile
  • Very intuitive and visual interface
  • Quick and easy installation in your business

Recaudación en TIEMPO REAL

Wherever you are, you can consult the CASH RECEIVED of your business in real time.

In a very simple way, you can consult your ACCUMULATED for the week, month or any date.

We store all the HISTORY from the moment we install our system, so you can consult the cash register for any day of the year.

contabilidad lavanderias autoservicio


Forget about manual book-keeping

  • Collection per month
  • Collection by month and laundry machine
  • Daily usage history
gestion remota lavanderias autoservicio


You can control your machines remotely, from your PC or mobile phone.

Has a customer had an incident during the washing process?

The solution is in your hand!

  • Activate the washing process
  • Reset of washing machines in case of blockage
  • Switching lights on and off
  • Switching on air conditioning or fans
estado en tiempo real de tu lavanderia selfservice

Real Time Status

You can control your machines remotely, from your PC or mobile phone.

  • Visualise the status of each machine in real time.
  • Your customers will be able to check whether machines are free or occupied, offering them a unique and distinctive service.
  • You will be able to include this information on your corporate website in a very simple way.
analitica estadisticas lavanderia autoservicio

Analytics and Statistics

Discover the details of your business

  • Peak and off-peak times
  • Most and least used washing machines
  • Highest grossing day of the week